Ultrasounds for Biological Applications and Materials Science

11th april

11th April

Github link to Python 2.7 code, data and analysis.

All data provided by Ministerio de Sanidad, Gobierno de España

For analysis obtained using data for previous days follow this link

Analysis and projections of COVID-19 data in Spain using data available up to April 11th.


Table of projections of main indicators using data available since 23rd february and up to  28 March – 11th April (for proyections made earlier go to previous days). 


– Casos totales: Estimated total cases at the end of the pandemic

– Pico de casos x dia: Estimated day when the number of new cases will get to the maximum value.

– Fallecimients totales: Estimated total number of deaths at the end of the pandemics

  – Pico de fallecientos x dia: Estimated day when the number of deaths will get to the macimum value.

 – Pico de altas x dia: Estimated day when the number of recovereds will get to the maximum value.

Predicted total numer of cases at the end of the pandemics shows a reduced but systematic incease from 143.000 – 149.000 cases predicted on 31st march () up to 174.000-187.000 cases predicted on April 11. This continuos increase can be due to several resasons: i) the sigmoid can be not fitting well into the real problem, ii) there are more cases detected now than before (more  tests, more means available, etc), iii) measures to content the spread of the disease are not working

The registered number of cases, according to the Spanish Health Ministry on April 11th was: 161.852

The estimated day with the maximum number of cases x day remained rather fixed and around 29-31 March.

The projection is also rather stable for the total number of deaths expected at the end of the pandemics. This projection is arond 20.000 – 22.000 and it is stable since 29th March. The registered number of deaths, according to the Spanish Health Ministry on April 9th was: 16.353.

Also the peak of deaths x day remain constant since the estimation made with the data available at 29 March: this peak is expected in April 3rd. Only on April 11th, this day shifted to April 4th.

The estimated day for the maximum cases (x day) cured also remained rather constant since 29th march and is expected for April 13th – 14th.

Finally the estimated day with the maximum number of active cases also remained rather constant and predictions have not changed significantly since the firs analysis performed on march 27th. This day is expected between the 4th and the 9th of April



Registered cases of COVID-19 in Spain (11th April) fitting and future trend using a logistic function


Registered cases of COVID-19 in Spain (11th April) fitting and future trend using a logistic function and comparison with SIR model and Gompertz sigmoid



Registered deaths due to COVID-19 in Spain (11th April) fitting and future trend using a logistic function (allowed a delay of 5 to 10 days compared to the detected cases sigmoid)


Registered admissions in ICU due to COVID-19 in Spain (11th April) fitting and future trend using a logistic function (allowed a delay of -2 to 10 days compared to the detected cases sigmoid).


It is a strange feature that ICU admission sigmoid is placed a few days before the sigmoide obtained for the number of cases

Registered medical discharge due to COVID-19 in Spain (11th April) fitting and future trend using a logistic function (allowed a delay of 15 to 20 days compared to the detected cases sigmoid)


Estimated active cases vs days


Estimated mortality

An estimation of the mortality can be obtained by dividing the sigmoids of no. of deaths / no. cases. The use of the sigmoids and not the date permit to eliminate the propagation of errors and have a more clear view of the mortality rate. Results show a reduced variation (probably a constant time is not reached until an stationary state is achieved, arond 12%). However, mortality rate observed is very high compared with data available from China, where a value of 4% were reported.

However, as it can be supposed that many cases where not diagnosed, this figure can be closer to the 14% mortality rate reported for cases that required hospital admission (Información científica y técnica sobre la enfermedad por coronavirus, COVID-19, del Centro de Coordinación y Alertas Sanitarias del Ministerio de Sanidad español, 4 de abril de 2020)


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